Flash Fiction, “Catch of the Decade,” 2nd Place in April 2023 Engen Books' Kit Sora Flash Fiction Photography Contest.


Flash Fiction, Cuckoo's Egg Chocolate Cupcakes, Eternal Haunted Summer, Winter Solstice 2023. December 21, 2023.

Microfiction, It Bytes Back, Dark Moments: Viruses and Diseases by Black Hare Press. November 24, 2023.
Will also be included in the Dark Moments Year Five anthology from Black Hare Press, available for pre-order.

Poem, Book of Coming Forth by Day, Spell 125, Aôthen Magazine, Issue 4, Spring 2023. June 5, 2023.

Microfiction, Coworkers, Scribes*MICRO*Fiction, Issue 28. April 15, 2023.

Micro-Essay, Caudal Autotomy, Ruminate Magazine Readers' Notes, issue 63/64: Regeneration, Fall-Winter 2022. November 17, 2022.
Double Issue 63/64 e-journal available.

Flash Fiction, “Late Bloomer,” Honorable Mention in Clarity: Queer Sci Fi’s Ninth Annual Flash Fiction Contest. October 5, 2022.
Anthology available in e-book or print.

Microfiction, Rec Therapy Wreck, 101 Words. January 4, 2022.

Microfiction, Unicorn of the Sea, 4th Place in August 2021 Storytwigs Micro-Writing Competition. November 18, 2021.

Poem, Trace, Artis Natura, vol. 5, issues 1 & 2, Winter 2021. November 17, 2021.

Creative Nonfiction, Color Coded, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. May 21, 2021.

Microfiction, Another Ugly Duckling, 50-Word Stories. November 24, 2020.

Flash Fiction, “With Eight Little Eyes,” Honorable Mention in Innovation: Queer Sci Fi’s Seventh Annual Flash Fiction Contest. August 8, 2020.
Anthology available in e-book or print.

Poem, The Complete Package, Quatrain Fish. July 18, 2020.

Flash Fiction, Empty Nest, 2nd Prize in Brilliant Flash Fiction’s Librarians’ Choice Contest. June 23, 2020.

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